Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mashpee, MA Residents Urge Discriminatory Anti-Pet Law & Pitbull Ban

The Town of Mashpee, MA is urging the City Council adopt an anti-pet law, including a ban on pit bulls. The American Rottweiler Club is adamantly opposed to breed-specific legislation as ineffective and even dangerous in the prevention of dog bites.

South Charleston, WV Pushes Breed-Specific Anti-Pet Ordinance

Mayor Mullens of South Charleston, WV is urging the City Council adopt a anti-pet ordinan including a ban on pit bulls, Rottweilers and other dogs. The American Rottweiler Club is adamantly opposed to breed specific legislation as ineffective and even dangerous in the prevention of dog bites.

The breed-specific anti-pet ordinance was crafted by Mark. D. Clark and Susan Riggs, acting City Attorneys,of the law firm Spilman Thomas & Battle at the request of Mayor Mullens.

American Rottweiler Club Formally Opposes Pit Bull Ban In Whitehall, Ohio

The American Rottweiler Club sent a formal letter of opposition to the Mayor and members of the Whitehall, Ohio City Council with regard to a proposed anti-pet ordinance which includes a “pit bull” ban.

Whitehall, OH City Council Considers Ban On Pit Bulls As Vicious Dogs

Whitehall, Ohio looks at proposed ban on pit bulls, ‘vicious’ dogs. According to a local news report the city council is considering an anti-pet ordinance which bans pit bulls and other so-called vicious dogs. The American Rottweiler Club is adamantly opposed to breed specific legislation as ineffective and even dangerous in the prevention of dog bites.

Rantoul, Illinois – Breed Specific Dog Ordinance – Letter To Mayor Neal Williams

December 2, 2008 Mr. Neal Williams Village of Rantoul Mayor 333 South Tanner Rantoul, IL 61866 Dear Village of Rantoul Mayor Williams, The American Rottweiler Club (ARC) is the American Kennel Club Parent Club of the Rottweiler in the United States with 1000 members, many of whom live in Illinois.  As the Parent Club, ARC [...]