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American Rottweiler Club Supports Texas HB 1046 – Grants Appeals To Animal Owners
May 27, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Official ARC Response, State Bills
As president of the American Rottweiler Club and on behalf of its Texas members, we are in support of Texas HB 1046 that grants an appeal to animal owners if their animals are awarded to a humane organization or ordered euthanized.
Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) Legislation – AKC
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Anti-Pet Laws, Federal Bills, Laws & Policies
American Kennel Club News Article Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) Legislation Introduced in US Congress Date of Article: September 25, 2008 The Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) has been concurrently introduced in the US House of Representatives last week as H.R. 6949 and in the Senate as S.3519. The legislation will require that any breeder [...]
Portage Indiana Breed Specific Legislation – Brendan Clancy, City Council
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Official ARC Response
The American Rottweiler Club Board and Membership are opposed to the proposed City of Portage breed specific legislation condemning Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, German Shepherd Dogs, Akitas, and Doberman Pinschers, as well as any breed of dog as vicious. The propensity of a violent disposition is a direct result of the training and socialization by the owner.
There are strategies that can be used in an effort to prevent dog bites which include enforcement of generic, non-breed-specific dangerous dog laws; prohibition of dog fighting; and school-based and adult education programs that teach pet selection, pet care, and responsible ownership.
Rantoul, Illinois – Breed Specific Dog Ordinance – Letter To Mayor Neal Williams
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Anti-Pet Laws, Breed-Specific Legislation, Official ARC Response
December 2, 2008 Mr. Neal Williams Village of Rantoul Mayor 333 South Tanner Rantoul, IL 61866 Dear Village of Rantoul Mayor Williams, The American Rottweiler Club (ARC) is the American Kennel Club Parent Club of the Rottweiler in the United States with 1000 members, many of whom live in Illinois. As the Parent Club, ARC [...]
Smyrna, Georgia – Breed Specific Ordinance – Letter To Councilor Mellany C. Pritchett
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Anti-Pet Laws, Local Ordinances
October 15, 2008 Melleny C. Pritchett Ward 1 The City of Smyrna City Hall 2800 King Street Smyrna, GA 30080 770-434-6600 Dear Councilor Pritchett, The American Rottweiler Club (ARC) is the American Kennel Club Parent Club of the Rottweiler in the United States. As such ARC promotes conformation, obedience, rally, agility, herding, carting, therapy, search [...]
American Rottweiler Club Formal Response To MD SB 318
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Anti-Pet Laws, Official ARC Response
Dear Senator Gladden and Respected Members of the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee:
The American Rottweiler Club, Inc. (ARC), the parent club of the American Kennel Club (AKC) for the Rottweiler breed in the United States, representing thousands of dog owners, is writing to express our grave concern over Maryland SB 318, A Bill That Criminalizes The Ownership and Limits The Possession of Breeding Dogs.
Since its inception, the American Rottweiler Club has been deeply engaged in advancing animal welfare and the humane care and treatment of dogs.
Maryland SB 319 – A Bill Limiting Possion Of Breeding Dogs
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Anti-Pet Laws, State Bills
Does the State Of Maryland Want To Make Owning Dogs A Crime? Yes, siree, Bob! Especially Sexually Intact Dogs DOWNLOAD THE BILL HERE: EXPLANATION: CAPITALS INDICATE MATTER ADDED TO EXISTING LAW. [Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law. *sb0318* SENATE BILL 318 E1 9lr1811 CF 9lr1151 By: Senators Gladden, Della, Madaleno, and Stone Introduced [...]
American Rottweiler Club – Formal Response To MD HB495
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Anti-Pet Laws, Official ARC Response, Pet Limit Laws
The American Rottweiler Club, Inc. (ARC), the parent club of the American Kennel Club (AKC) for the Rottweiler breed in the United States, representing thousands of dog owners, is writing to express our grave concern over Maryland HB 495, A Bill That Criminalizes The Ownership and Limits The Possession of Breeding Dogs.
Since its inception, the American Rottweiler Club has been deeply engaged in advancing animal welfare and the humane care and treatment of dogs.
Maryland HB 495 – A Bill Limiting Dog Ownership
May 21, 2009 by admin23
Filed under Anti-Pet Laws, Pet Limit Laws, State Bills
HB 495 Department of Legislative Services Maryland General Assembly 2009 Session IMPORTANT: Below is the ACTUAL language of MD. HB 495 FISCAL AND POLICY NOTE House Bill 495 (Delegate Smigiel, et al.) Judiciary Criminal Law – Crimes Relating to Animals – Limitations on Possession of Breeding Dogs This bill prohibits a person from owning, possessing, [...]